Trax Forum
Straight tiles
Feb 08,2008 3:42 pm
Author: Zugzwang
#1 of 2
Hi. I was just wondering ...#1 of 2
Is there any particular reason why ALL of the straight tiles have the black/red tracks crossing the white ones rather than the other way around, or more fairly, having a 50% split (and then randomly drawing the tiles so as to avoid visual preferences)? It's not a huge problem, but I say more fairly because I find it easier to visualize Black because of the prominence of that color on the "board". If no good reason exists, perhaps this can be a change in the next manufacturing run of tiles. Actually, I see this as being somewhat of an improvement and we would still be able to lay claim that there is only one kind of tile, even if it's not strictly "identical". Any comments at all are appreciated. Apologizes in advance for any cross-site posting of this message.
Thank you,
Feb 10,2008 6:12 pm
Author: jmh
#2 of 2; Reply to #1
Never noticed black being prominent but I can see why some could after you mentioning it.#2 of 2; Reply to #1
Don't think I would like a split as it would lead to boards looking inconsistent and probably make it harder to recognize a position you have seen previously.