
Trax Archives

2001: World Championship

Challenge Match

The tournament was considerably different this year, with the world championship reverting to a yearly event as a result of the increased interest in Trax through the MSN Zone. It remained an open tournament, but the structure was changed this year. Players were allocated to pools approximately based on their geographical location, but also with the top players seeded to the various pools. The standard best of 3 round robin format was used, with the top two players (plus ties) going to a final round. This round was won by Carl Johan Ragnarsson who became the 2001 challenger.

The Challenge Match took place over the table at the University of Waterloo in Carl's lounge, with Donald winning 6-1.



 Bailey   vs Ragnarsson (20 turns)
@0/ A0/ @2+ C1\ B3/ @2\ @2\ D4/ @1+ D5/
C5/ C6+ F3+ E5+ B3/ A4\ @5/ A6/ @4\ Resign


Ragnarsson vs  Bailey   (17 turns)
@0/ A0/ B2/ A3+ @2+ B0/ @2+ E3\ C5\ @2/
F2+ E0\ B0+ A2\ @2\ A1\ Resign


 Bailey   vs Ragnarsson (16 turns)
@0/ A0/ A3/ B3/ A4/ B5/ @2/ C1/ D3+ D6/
E1/ E0/ E7+ F6+ D8+ Resign


Ragnarsson vs  Bailey   (23 turns)
@0/ A0+ A0\ @3/ A4/ @1+ A0\ @5/ A6/ B0\
A1\ @7/ A3+ @6+ A2+ @5+ D8\ F7+ F0+ G2/
H2/ H1/ Resign


Bailey vs  Ragnarsson   (19 turns)
@0+ @1+ @1\ B0\ B0\ B4\ C5/ @3\ E4\ F4\
G4\ D6/ E5+ D7/ B7+ A6+ @5+ C8/ Resign


Ragnarsson vs  Bailey   (20 turns)
@0/ @1/ B2/ C1+ A0/ B4\ D3/ E2\ C1/ E4+
F1/ C0/ F1+ E0/ E0/ F1/ G2/ H2/ H1/ G4+


 Bailey   vs Ragnarsson (14 turns)
@0+ @1+ @1\ B0\ B0\ B4\ D3\ E3\ B5\ E6+
F5\ A4+ C1/ Resign

TRAX is the common law mark of David Smith and is used to identify his tile game and equipment. Rules of TRAX copyright 1981, 1984, 1987, 1990, 1998 and 2017 David Smith, Christchurch, NZ.
This Website compiled by Donald Bailey, Palmerston North, NZ. Copyright © 2000-2017