Trax Archives
1986: World Championship
Challenge Match
Played in Christchurch, New Zealand between Phillip Gray and Andrew Butterfield. This was the first time SuperTrax had been played in a tournament. The early round was played as 8x8 Trax. As this was the first Challenge Match, there was no incumbent champion to play, so the match was held between the top two players from the Candidate's Tournament.
Andrew Butterfield won the match 6-0 to become the first World Trax Champion.
Butterfield vs Gray (43 turns)
@0/ A0/ A3/ B3/ @3+ B0+ C1+ A5/ B5+ @5\
@5\ A6\ C6+ F4+ C7\ C8\ C9\ G4\ F6\ H4\
I4\ E8/ F8+ B9\ G9/ G10+ J8+ I9\ F11\ H10+
J9\ I11+ K9\ D12+ C10+ B11+ A11/ L10+ K6+ L6\
K4/ L5+ I3/
Gray vs Butterfield (18 turns)
@0/ @1/ C1/ C0/ C3\ D1/ E2+ D3\ D4\ E4\
F1\ @1/ G5/ H5+ B0\ C0\ G8/ I7\
Butterfield vs Gray (39 turns)
@0/ @1/ C1/ C2/ D1/ E2/ A2+ @1/ C0\ A4+
C4+ F5+ G4\ H3\ F2/ G1+ D0+ D0/ I4+ J5/
K4\ L4\ I6+ H2+ H0+ L8+ M6/ D9/ C9/ I8+
K9+ C10/ B10/ I1/ J1/ J0/ F11\ J5/ E12\
Gray vs Butterfield (36 turns)
@0/ A2/ B2\ B3\ B4\ A3/ C1+ A0/ B6+ D5+
D2+ @2\ D0+ F4+ @3\ F7\ H5+ @4+ A2+ E8\
@3/ B6+ F9\ F0/ F0/ H1\ H10\ I8+ K7\ E2+
D3+ H0/ I1/ E1\ H12\ D1/
Butterfield vs Gray (19 turns)
@0/ A0/ @2/ @1/ D1/ D3+ E2\ F2\ F3\ F4\
F5+ G3+ B0/ H2\ F7/ G6\ H6\ H1/ F0+